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Strategiczne Lets Go! To Japan

Lets Go! To Japan

Cena: 219,00 zł 219.00
brak towaru
Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Koszty dostawy: Sprawdź koszty
Kod produktu: 729220071163
Czas gry ok. 45-60 min Język instrukcji angielski Wydanie angielskie Zalecenia wiekowe od 10 lat Liczba graczy 1-4 Niezależność językowa gier obcojęzycznych Elementy gry zawierają teksty w języku obcym. Gra obcojęzyczna Tak
Opis produktu

In Let's Go! To Japan, you are a traveler planning, then experiencing your own dream vacation to Japan.

The game consists of thirteen rounds in which players draw activity cards illustrated by Japan-based artists and strategically place them in different days in their week-long itinerary. These can't-miss tourist attractions will have you bouncing between Tokyo and Kyoto as you try to puzzle out the optimal activities to maximize your experience while balancing your resources. The game ends with a final round in which you ultimately go on your planned trip, activating each of your cards in order along the way.

The player who collects the most points by the end of their trip wins!

 Zdjęcia na portalu Boardgamegeek

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