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Kooperacyjne In The Heart Of Darkness

In The Heart Of Darkness

Cena: 206,00 zł 206.00
Wysyłka w: 24 godziny
Koszty dostawy: Sprawdź koszty
Kod produktu: 739608463428
Czas gry ok. 10-30 min Język instrukcji angielski Wydanie anglskie Zalecenia wiekowe od 13 lat Liczba graczy 1-4 Niezależność językowa gier obcojęzycznych Elementy gry zawierają teksty w języku obcym. Gra obcojęzyczna Tak
Opis produktu

A dynamic, strategic and immersive Survival Horror experience filled with nightmares and your slim chance to make it out alive

In this dynamic, strategic and fast paced survival horror game, explore the many locations on the macabre island of Mora. Confront its demonic creatures, uncover its secrets, and try to escape alive!

“In The Heart Of Darkness” is a game with fast, dynamic, and suspenseful gameplay. It’s quick and easy to learn, but challenging for experienced players alike.
The game is full of tactical choices and hard decisions that can punish or kill you if not played wisely.

“In The Heart Of Darkness” drags you to the atmosphere of Gothic Horror novels and movies. It brings you directly into the macabre and the mysteries of an island filled with ancient secrets and demonic presence!

An easy to learn experience for new players and fun for experienced ones

Replay value, includes 2 different scenarios and adjustable difficulty levels - overcome different challenges and goals

A dynamic, fast, intense and easy to learn system

Solo and co-op game for 1-4 players.

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